Blockchain in eCommerce.

More and more eCommerce stores are adopting this technology in their stores to ensure a satisfactory experience and security for their customers.

A lack of trust on the part of consumers can sometimes hinder the growth of e-commerce; users are generally distrustful of payment systems or fear for the security of their personal data. For this reason, the BlockChain emerges as a solution to this eCommerce problem.

Blockchain literally translates as a “blockchain” and is a technology that guarantees the security of a money transaction; not only does it do this, but it also reduces commissions for sellers. For this reason, more and more eCommerce stores are adopting this technology in their stores to ensure a satisfactory experience and security for their customers, in addition to reducing costs and generating greater profits.

What Blockchain technology does is capture the data of a transaction, divide them into blocks and disperse them on several computers connected to each other. In turn, these computers verify their authenticity. This makes the transaction secure, since both the customer and the seller can be sure that the data is true and that they are safe at the time of the transaction. This last factor is extremely important, since platforms are currently prone to hacks and data can end up being manipulated by third parties. In this way, this system is an excellent way to attract those indecisive customers who distrust the security of new technologies.

But this is not the only benefit that Blockchain provides; as I mentioned before, this technology reduces transaction fees from pesos to cents. In addition, it avoids delivery delays since it includes a control of the available inventory of the store and allows us to constantly view the supply process, allowing us to correctly track the product until its correct delivery. For this reason, Blockchain benefits sellers in the same way that buyers and electronic businesses choose this technology to cover all these problems that previously had no answer.

The origin of Blockchain dates back to Cryptocurrencies and is strongly related to them, since it means a way to protect your transaction from possible cyberattacks.

By: Román Torres

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